Alp Uzman's Webpage

Alp Uzman photo E-mail: uzman at math dot utah dot edu
CV: pdf (Last Revised: 07/18/23)
Research Statement: pdf (Last Revised: 10/14/22)
Teaching Statement: pdf (Last Revised: 10/14/22)

I am a mathematician specializing in dynamics, and I currently work as a postdoc at the University of Utah. I received my PhD from Penn State in May 2023 under the supervision of Prof. Federico Rodriguez Hertz. My current research focus is nonuniform measure rigidity. I am also interested in higher rank actions at large, as well as other dynamical areas like ergodic optimization and subriemannian dynamics.

I hold a B.Sc. in mathematics and B.A. in philosophy from Koc University in Istanbul, Turkey. My philosophical studies are currently dormant but broadly speaking I am interested in (Husserl-adjacent) phenomenology.

Time crystal


Some Notes:

  • An exposition of Cawley's "The Teichmuller Space of the standard action of SL(2,Z) on T^2 is trivial"

  • In Spring 2021 Prof. Rodriguez Hertz gave a topics course at Penn State on rigidity. For the course I acted as the cameraman. I am preparing an associated set of lecture notes (see this Overleaf document for the current state). I also have good quality footage of all classes (except the first class) that needs to be edited. [Currently this project is on hiatus.]

  • Below are handwritten notes associated to some of expository talks I gave:


    Some Teaching Materials:

    Some Desmos Graphs: